Poems about Covid 19

Poems about Covid 19

Poems about Covid 19

The unexpected holidays

I now have holidays, for a strange reason,

That one reason they tell, is a global pandemic,

I don’t know why, and don’t know when,

But it came altogether in just one second,


I don’t know what to do in these holidays,

As the spring is here, but we are caged,

In this captivation, what is there to celebrate,

I would like to celebrate a bit, Just for no reason,


The unexpected holidays made me clumsy,

Even though regular school is not our priority,

But I still feel bored not being able to go,

No one knows when we will get back to life,


The weather changes a lot each day and every day,

That does not change the monotonous clock of the day,

As holidays started just now, will now stay indoor for unknown days,

Not being able to go out, at least school I could visit, but now not,


All this waiting makes me bored; can’t it end now?

Hopefully the days pass at a fast pace,

So as the cure of Covid 19 pandemic spread,

Alas, we all are bored and clumsy staying inside.

(by Sarah Shahzad, March 2020)


Stay inside

We can’t go out, only here we can stay,

Inside our home, with our family,

Can’t go to our friends’ house,

They won’t be able to meet us for a long time,

I hope this all end quick so we can meet each other again,

Can’t stay in my house all day, I must go out once,

I get so tired staying here, why can’t I go out there?

Will I get to see my friends again?

I hope this ends soon, so we can visit our comrades,

We can’t stay in our home all day, it’s just too boring,

We need our friends with us,

I’m so lonely without them,

Please bring everything back to normal!

(by Sarah Shahzad, April 2020)

Poems about Covid 19 or Corona Virus

Covid 19 or Corona Virus

Covid-19 or Corona Virus

Coronavirus is an infectious viral disease, which is causing this pandemic. All of the above poems are about the struggles of staying at home because of the coronavirus. We should always wash our hands every time we eat and after eating. Also. we should avoid contact with others and should always wear something that will cover our eyes, nose and mouth.

It is a massive global problem as all schools are closed and their is no transport. And, we are told to stay inside until the pandemic is over. Hopefully, it gets over soon and we all get to go back to our schools, work and jobs.

What is your opinion on the poems about Covid 19?

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Sarah Shahzad

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