Dream World

Dream World, Poems about Dream

Free Verse Poem | Poems about Dream

Sleeping sloth dozing off,

Sleeping sloth snoring out,

Sleeping sloth cooling away,

The sleeping sloth will never walk,

Far away, where the bushes run,

And the bird talk,

The sleeping sloth will not walk,

And the sun so small,

And the moon so big,

The world in the size of the stars,

That shines away your fears,

As the sloth sleep by,

The world turns normal.

(By Sarah Shahzad, December 2019)

Inspiration, Dream World:

This poem is about dreams.  In this poem a sloth is sleeping whereas a lot of changes occur.  Whereas birds start talking, sun becomes smaller and moon takes the size of the sun. Our earth moves far away into the galaxy but it seem that our sleeping sloth is not bothered with it.  Above all, fears around big changes shines away.  But still our sleeping mammal is not bothered.

Sometimes people are not bothered with transitions that may occur around them. But, however they take it as normal and sleep on it. Sometimes when they wake up, every thing is normal.  Sometimes they start adopting to the changes. This is how the life goes on.

Dream world is what we develop in our imagination and build it over time. Holidays are the best time to day dreaming.  And then we have enough time to put that into words.  As we all know that dreams can be entertaining, pleasing or some time disturbing.

Here in the link below, a detailed overview of dreams is provided:




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Sarah Shahzad

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