Flowers in the garden

Flowers in the garden


There’s a Garden in a special town,

Belongs to a special one,

They had many lilies with roses,

But they can’t find and figure it out,

Somehow they found something they don’t see,

A flower that can be special as it be,

Unknown colour, they say,

Wishing they could stay,

In the garden of flowers,

With special kind, they find,

Wishing they could keep,

Unknown with the lilies and roses.

Inspiration, Flowers in the garden:

This is a free verse poem about a beautiful garden maintained by someone special.  There are  roses and lilies.  Among these flowers there was a special kind. This place is difficult to find and figure it out.  Once someone found it, they wanted to stay there. That special flower is among the sea of roses and lilies, it was an unknown  color and specie. Once you see it, you wish to stay there.

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Sarah Shahzad

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