A Collection of Animal Poems

A collection of animal poems

A Collection of Animal Poems

A collection of Animal Poems consists of a poem on Artic Reindeer, Puffin or Penguin, Sharks’ fear and dolphin.  These poems contains varied subjects for the audience.

Arctic Reindeer

A reindeer that goes all white,
Doesn’t go without a fight,
As it doesn’t show any expressions,
But shows a huge aggression,
It might look and act calm,
But it will stand up against those,
Who will have no moves,
But a mind full of fright,
It chases them away,
Till the moon full of hay,
It slowly falls asleep,
Without leaving a fight.


Puffin or Penguin

Little swimming creatures,
As they see them glide,
With no fear, they move swiftly,
But still look like penguins,
Not penguins they see,
They look like little birdies,
But the birds with red beaks,
Larger than a penguin’s beak,
As they saw the pattern was close,
As close as if it is a penguin,
A penguin not in ice, but warmth,
So, we call them puffins not penguin

Sharks’ fear

Sharks’ fear that was so severe,
It was not the rear that they fear,
Scary villain of the water so rare,
Calling them sea dog is not that fair,
It was the fact, of the ocean,
The sky’s that hold the stone,
That was hidden under the ocean,
Where sharks can’t feel, there lost.



As they swim beneath the star,
With no way to go beyond,
Wishing that stars go blue,
And will till the ends,
Now we know the secrets,
That they hide in fear,
Waves that crash to the surface,
Vanish but leave no marks on the planet.

(Poem by Sarah Shahzad, March 2020)

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Sarah Shahzad

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