Water on Earth

Water on Earth

Limerick Poem

Our planet needs us to use less water,

As we waste it, our Earth gets hotter,

Don’t want to waste water but admit,

Water sinks swiftly as we won’t fit,

Our planet needs us to use less water.

Inspiration, Water on Earth:

This poem is kind of message to avoid wasting water.  Water on Earth is depleting day by day and as a free natural resource, we do not care about it. In addition to Water on Earth issue, we also face issue of polluting water.

I believe that in addition to air and sunlight, water is most valuable free natural commidity available to us.  As it is freely available so we waste it without noticing its deteremantal impact on overall Earth and our nature.

Lack of training is available to people on saving water strategies and also if they get training, but still don’t apply it into their daily life.  Saving water and lack of pollution is collective responsibility of all, not just Government and not for profit organisations.

Special attentions should be provided to school curriculum to include training children in this domain and rather than just a part of syllabus, it should be introduced as a practical one.

What is your opinion about “Water n Earth” and how we can implement strategies to save it?




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Sarah Shahzad

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