Tag - Animal Poem

Poem on Elephants

Poem on Elephants

Poem on Elephants Stomping around the tumbleweed flat, That once were thriving, Tunes that played throughout their journeys, Behind they left the tumbleweed remains,   Looking for their homes that have been scattered around, Places that...

Unicorn, A free Verse Poem


Unicorn Stories have been told, That a creature lived, With no might, It was not seen, It was said,   Enter the dark forest, With a little glitter, It can be seen, Whoosh, you may hear in the dark forest, You may be encountered by a...



Dragonfly As it flies through the sky, With no money to slide, Wishing it could have, With the pinch of a fly,   Going in circles, Nowhere to hide, Little dragonfly with money to slide, Flowing inside the others pockets,   Waiting for...

House Crows

House Crows

House Crows Black and grey creatures, Camouflage themselves in the shadows, Can’t be seen in the nights, Making loud noises, During the day or night,   Pecking all cats who enter their territory, Flying and making many nests, Living next...

Lonely in the Forest

Lonely in the Forest

Lonely in the Forest The lonely one, looked up at its den, As it has been destroyed by fire, It slowly went near a pigeon, ready to pounce, It cannot lift its own paw, as its injured, As it slowly went back, it turned in a corner, Seeing a...

Arabian Horses

Arabian Horses

Arabian Horses Long ago, most battles used the Arabian horses, As there’re no traditional long span battles, Short span wars use no horses, karma settled it, But mostly peace later spread, no more violence, Was heard, everyone was settled until...

A collection of animal poems

A Collection of Animal Poems

A Collection of Animal Poems A collection of Animal Poems consists of a poem on Artic Reindeer, Puffin or Penguin, Sharks’ fear and dolphin.  These poems contains varied subjects for the audience. Arctic Reindeer A reindeer that goes all...



Animal Poem A panda all alone, Is someone who is a clone, As you see them both, You will see their oath, Pandas won’t fly, Denying their flight, As they believe; They won’t fly,   A panda all alone, Needs a clone, You...

Hedgehog - Animal Poem


Cute Poems | Animal Poems They live their lives round, Without any sound, They roll down to those found, Even though they can fall, Since they are such a ball, They care for others without them to notice, They protect others without some...

Chameleon, https://poemtheart.com


Poem They are walking through the forests, Wise and clear so you can’t hear, Changing their colors, Through every step they walk on, Water droplets landing on their body makes them blue, Walking on stems or leaves make their body green, Walking...