Barn Owl At night, Mom tells stories, About the creature, That doesn’t howl lightly, But hoots with passion, Inside the forests, Under the trees, There’s a barn owl, With no enemies, Flies safely, With no fear, Has no enemy, With little light...

Timely Passage
Timely Passage A Haiku Poem Crossing in between, Roaring sounds beam light throughout, Passes just in time. By Sarah...
Read MorePoem on Mother Oh, Mother, you are, Sweeter than the honey, Calm and still so composed, Comfort in all of my life’s storms, All your life surrounds hard work for us, All those days spent around cooking and caring for us, Comforting us in...
Unicorn Stories have been told, That a creature lived, With no might, It was not seen, It was said, Enter the dark forest, With a little glitter, It can be seen, Whoosh, you may hear in the dark forest, You may be encountered by a...
Mosquito Flies with no laws to adhere, Breaking the walls with no care, Annoying everyone with no fear, Injecting people without the gear, Running in speed, Crossing the roads, Without looking out, Making everyone angry, As it...
Dragonfly As it flies through the sky, With no money to slide, Wishing it could have, With the pinch of a fly, Going in circles, Nowhere to hide, Little dragonfly with money to slide, Flowing inside the others pockets, Waiting for...
Earth day The flowers bloom, But then we burn them up, Each day, We do something wrong, Not knowing, What is getting harmed, I feel sad for all those gone, Each day they tremble down to the earths’ soil, The nature we see each day, Is...
Tornado Swiftly following, The ways of the wind, Shifting far away, Into the woods, As they see round, As it moves, It’s a tornado, That has arrived, As it enters the woods, With no one in the woods, As it throws the objects around, With no...
House Crows Black and grey creatures, Camouflage themselves in the shadows, Can’t be seen in the nights, Making loud noises, During the day or night, Pecking all cats who enter their territory, Flying and making many nests, Living next...
Get Well Soon We hope you get well soon, You help those in need, Now you need our support too, We will stay by your side And stay until you heal, You must be facing a lot of discomfort, That we can’t understand, You help those, affected...
Lonely in the Forest The lonely one, looked up at its den, As it has been destroyed by fire, It slowly went near a pigeon, ready to pounce, It cannot lift its own paw, as its injured, As it slowly went back, it turned in a corner, Seeing a...