Poem on Youth Day Young children in the parks, Playing and shouting in joy, Slides and trampolines filled with them, Together joining hands, They sing a peaceful song, Rolling around in the sand pit, With toys they brought from home...
Tag - poem about life
Flowing around me I know it flows through me, As it glows too bright, It will light the dawn on its own will, It will rise the sun on its own time, Crouching slowly before time, That will deafen the day into night, Silently the rocks...
Get Well Soon We hope you get well soon, You help those in need, Now you need our support too, We will stay by your side And stay until you heal, You must be facing a lot of discomfort, That we can’t understand, You help those, affected...
In this difficult time In this difficult time, we have a lot to save, Each day, we wave to another far, We stay inside locked up, protect ourselves, We will stay brave, even locked in our gates, Can’t visit my friend because of this time...
Community Poem We are equal, but with diverse ways and meaning of life, We are equal, but end with same manner in this life, At least, we all shall wind up, not knowing the end, At least our fate make us equal to each other, in this life...
Poems About Life This virus brought us far, But we can’t get back by car, It spreads itself far, All without any mark, Inadequate protection let it enters us, Without us knowing it is there, As it begins attacking cells, As the attack, rings...
Slug – Free Verse Poem That slippery slime, That crawls out of damp places, In the sorrowful night, It wishes to find a home, A home of vegetables is like a dream, If it was a dream like no wonder any slug likes one, When they crawl out...
Free Verse Poem We drink and use water, Without knowing what it does, What benefits it gives, Water is around but has decreased, Without knowing that the world is drying, Before the leaves get crooked up as life, We need to save water, to save...