Short Poem – War

Short Poem - War

Short Poem – War

Long ago peace was there,

Now time is passing by,

When the birds chirping and crows shouting,

War has come,

Only weaponry is used,

War only brings harm.

(By Sarah Shahzad)

Short Poem –  War, Inspiration:

As I wrote poem on peace, I had this imagination on war.  Likewise, the result is this short poem. War will only harm to nature and earth overall.  Thumbs up for peace that will bring prosperity to this world.  We should all the time respect peace and avoid conflicts.  This will make our life better for every one in this world.  People must consider war against famine, poverty and other social issues.  But it is observed that all these issues never come to lime light. Whereas for politics and dominance, there are wars.

A peaceful mind can bring so much change to this world.  The ultimate affect of war is destruction of nature and human lives.  A peaceful resolution of conflicts can lead to a better world for every one.  In short, people who are always talk about war should be discouraged.  The ones who talk about peace should be encouraged.

If you would to understand earth, explore google earth.

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Sarah Shahzad

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