Poem on Mother

Poem on Mother

Poem on Mother

Oh, Mother, you are,

Sweeter than the honey,

Calm and still so composed,

Comfort in all of my life’s storms,


All your life surrounds hard work for us,

All those days spent around cooking and caring for us,

Comforting us in sickness without bothering about your health,

Showering all the love, disregarding our mistakes and your griefs,


How I can repay for all you have done for me,

All those years passed under the comfort of your shadow,

You have done so much for me all days every day,

What have I done, it’s less than a fraction,


We wish you stay jolly and good,

A joyful life with all your dreams come true,

Only God can reward you for all the hard work,

We thank God for the blessing of Mother bestowed upon us,

Happy Mother’s Day

(By Sarah Shahzad, May 2020)


About the Poem on Mother:

Another year and another Mother’s Day. This poem is dedicated to my Mother as she is a blessing by God for me. At least on this day, we realize the importance of mothers.

In day to day life, we forget about the importance of this blessing. At least there is a day dedicated to such an angel of our life. Happy Mother’s Day.


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Sarah Shahzad

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