Lily Flower, a short poem

Lily Flower,


As I was sleeping,

I had a dream of spiders,

They were crawling around the forest,

But there was one spider,

Who was white,

Pure white as anything white you imagine,

It was whiter then the clouds,

As if it was a cloud,

A cloud that is in disguise of a white spider,

Who ended up being a dream of the Beach Spider Lily.

(By Sarah Shahzad)

Lily Flower, A Short Poem – Inspiration:

Lily Flower, a short poem is about the dream of this flower.  Whereas the flower was disguised as a spider, But the spider was white like a cloud.  Anyhow, this was just a dream.

Beach Spider shaped flowers look beautiful during the day.  A contrast of white flowers on green leaves is just amazing.  while, I think this bloom really looks like a spider which might scare you in your dreams.


Lilies are group of flowering plant.  These are found in various shapes, colors and sizes.  These have cultural importance.  White lilies symbolizes peace.  These are widely used in flower bouquet.

External Links:

Wikipedia on Lilium Flowers:

How to plant, grow and care for lilies (lilium):

What is your review of the Lily Flower, a short poem?


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Sarah Shahzad

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