Basket Ball Match – A short Poem

Basketball Match - A Short Poem


Playing rough,

Playing low,

No idea where to go,

May the best win and the rest stare,

Go aside as they stare,

Wish they could tear the pair,

No one knows where to fetch,

As they throw to the air,

May no one win,

As they don’t play fair.

(By Sarah Shahzad)

Basket Ball Match – A short Poem, Inspiration:

While sitting on the bench for the whole match and watching my underperforming team losing it.  That’s inspired me to write this poem. Basketball is high voltage game.  By nature or velocity of this game everyone is suppose to be with full of energy to beat the opponent. How do you feel when you don’t get any part in the game whether it’s basketball,  football, cricket, etc.?

Although actual game is different then that of a bench sitting player view.  But still if you think that you deserve to play a game, then it seem unfair. Besides the bad play of some team member, it might be a job of team to consider changes.  But if team does not change their course of play, they end up losing a game.

Do let me know in comments below, how do you like Basket Ball match – A short Poem?

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Sarah Shahzad

1 CommentLeave a comment

  • Haaaa haaaaa this one is out of pure rage , of by stander. But good to have peace with yourself by spitting out the anger . Sara is at best when she writes about nature

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