Short Poem Today is your special day, my friend, Today is your most spectacular event, Where all your wishes come true, One by one from all your family and friends, In the winter weather of December, as we feel, But your invitation card is...
Author - Sarah Shahzad
Free Verse Poem There’s a tiger in the bush, Ready to ambush, Wondering whether to push, Risky or safe, not so staunch, But it’s ready to ambush, Handful of childhoods, Aside the slide, One slides down, Pushes the bush, Out of sight, the bush...
Limerick Poem Tea is free, going back to trees, With no home of itself, living in the cheese, Trees shake with spare hands, With no bees, starting a band, Tea is free, back in the trees. Inspiration, Tea is Free: This poem is dedicated to...
Limerick Poem Our planet needs us to use less water, As we waste it, our Earth gets hotter, Don’t want to waste water but admit, Water sinks swiftly as we won’t fit, Our planet needs us to use less water. Inspiration, Water on Earth: This poem...
Free Verse Poem There’s a Unicorn swimming, But where are its legs, It is scaring me, It is small, not like a unicorn, But in fact like a fish, A fish with a medium sized horn, I will call it a Unicorn Fish! It swims rapidly, it swirls rapidly...
Free Verse Poem Warm water warm seas, Not better than the rest, Writing one while cold, No way of heat, Grass cries with fear, no heat, no warmth, Flowers growl while they follow the winds above, Wake the flowers, Take the howlers, No time to...
Slug – Free Verse Poem That slippery slime, That crawls out of damp places, In the sorrowful night, It wishes to find a home, A home of vegetables is like a dream, If it was a dream like no wonder any slug likes one, When they crawl out...
Free Verse Poem We drink and use water, Without knowing what it does, What benefits it gives, Water is around but has decreased, Without knowing that the world is drying, Before the leaves get crooked up as life, We need to save water, to save...
Halloween Poem A ghost saying boo, Witch flying a broom away, Vampire finds candy. (By Sarah Shahzad, October 2019) Scary and Funny Haiku: This is a funny and scary poem dedicated to halloween. Haiku is difficult poem to write as one has to...
Limerick Poem In the night of October, the skies fall dark, The howler beasts bark, while making an arc, As the sun falls and the moon rise, As the spooked ones’ cries, As the monsters lurk in Halloween park. (by Sarah Shahzad, October 2019)...