Poem on Father

Poem on Father

Poem on Father

Thinking of something new,

Never knew how my father feels,

Every day, he sits in front of the screen,

Taking care of the business and bills,

Never ever stopped for a hiatus,

And gets the money from hard and sincere work,

Working to save our home, from the bills-monster,


I never dared to ask, if he is alright,

My father, who never slept until I felt comfy,

The one who always makes all of us feel better,

The one who makes our wishes come true,

We get only one father during our lifetime,

The one who we always ignored,


The siren gives a loud pitch of darkness,

That fills the sky with all pitch-dark,

The only one who we know can clear it all,

Is my father, the one and only one.

(By Sarah Shahzad, June 2020)

About Poem on Father:

Poem on father is dedicated to my father on the occasion of father’s day. I believe most of us think same about their fathers. Although father’s day is not outshined as Mother’s day.  But I believe that father’s day is as important as Mother’s Day.  I wish a Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day

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Sarah Shahzad

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