Tag - Free Verse Poem

Save Water

Save Water

Free Verse Poem We drink and use water, Without knowing what it does, What benefits it gives, Water is around but has decreased, Without knowing that the world is drying, Before the leaves get crooked up as life, We need to save water, to save...

Trick or Treating

Trick or Treating

Free Verse Poem As the rain storms stops, And as the wind hit the trees, The kids go trick or treating, While the parents give the treats,   Far away they don’t know, A huge castle, with huge walls, With tiny lanterns and huge pumpkins...

Moon or Cheese

Moon or Cheese

Poem We look at the moon, Wondering what is it made of, Some say potato, Others say volcano, Some see grey tones, Many say moon plateau, But kids and I say, cheese, It is round with holes, Just like a cheese, It is yellow and looks delicious...

Flowers in the garden

Flowers in the garden

Poem There’s a Garden in a special town, Belongs to a special one, They had many lilies with roses, But they can’t find and figure it out, Somehow they found something they don’t see, A flower that can be special as it be, Unknown colour...

Happy Teachers' Day poem

Happy Teachers’ Day

Poem: Happy Teachers’ Day If there is no light, they shine our darkness, If there is no hope, they give us faith, If there is a woe, they give us blessings, If there is a pain, they give us care, Who provide us shine, faith, blessings and care...

Moon, poemtheart.com


Poem Far in the skies, ones’ reflections wandered, What’s above the sky at night, Little they know less, Once a wise person discovered that, At night, An object hovers above the skies, They only observe a strange object, That changes...

Nile Crocodile

Nile Crocodile

Poem Big reptiles crawling on the dry grass, Waiting for a prey, Can’t see one so they move on, They want to snap, and squish, They want to find a good prey, To satisfy their hunger and energy, They can’t find prey here, so they move there...