Short Poem – Irrawaddy Dolphins

Short Poem - Irrawaddy Dolphins


In the deep sea or in rivers,

In a time there was once a group,

That was everywhere,

But time goes passing,

You see no more than one,


You now can find only one,

Now in the deep sea or in rivers,

There was once a group,

That was everywhere,

Now there’s no group anywhere,

Where is the Irrawaddy dolphin?

(By Sarah Shahzad)

Short Poem – Irrawaddy Dolphins, Inspiration:

On our trip to Kratie, Cambodia to see Irrawaddy Dolphins, it took us two hours to have a glimpse of an Irrawaddy Dolphin. Once these were in thousand in numbers but now their life is in danger. This inspired me to write a short poem – Irrawaddy Dolphins.

Endangered Dolphin Specie:

These are one of the endangered species. According to WWF, less than 100 individuals are estimated to exist.  We should make every effort to conserve this specie in Mekong River.

Make plan to see this endangered specie in Mekong River before it is too late.  You can arrange a day trip from Phnom Penh or Siem Reap. Boat is available for an hour or so to search these in the middle of the river.

External Links:

  1. WWF Fact sheet on Irrawaddy Dolphins all over the World:
  2. Wikipedia detailed article on this Dolphin specie:
  3. New planned dam in Cambodia will impact survival of this specie, Aljazeera’s report:

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Sarah Shahzad

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