Only One Earth

Only One Earth

Only One Earth

The flowers that bloom on the surface,

Of the precious planet we were brought upon,

Home to many petals that fall off each flower,

Beneath the sun shining right to us,


No other planet is like this,

With all our necessities in one go,

Enjoying the company alone,

Time steadies itself,


The fruits that spring on the trees,

Of the special planet we were brought upon,

Home to many juices that we squeezed out,

Underneath the cold raspy clouds,


The planet with seas, land and oxygen,

We use it all in one breath,

Enjoying it ourselves a bit too much,

Whitin hours the sun sets down,


The creatures that live on this planet,

On each moisty land filled with creaky steps,

Should respect it as we were brought upon it,

The planet we call “Earth”, home to you and me.

By Sarah Shahzad, 05 June 2022

Inspiration “Only One Earth”

The real inspiration of poem “Only One Earth” is World Environment Day 2022.  On 5th June we should be celebrating the so perfect Earth.

List of environment matter that need immediate attention

  • Less reliance on fossil fuels;
  • Prioritize installing concepts and sources to generate renewable energy;
  • Zero use of plastic;
  • Waste management and reuse of waste matter;
  • Action by whole world on climate change like they did for ozone layer protection;
  • Cleaning the oceans, enough waste has been accumulated there;
  • Save water strategies;
  • Enhance efficient agriculture methods to increase production to serve the growing population;
  • Green revolution to provide breathing space to earth;
  • Conflict resolution as conflicts give rise to usage of weaponry. Ultimately, environment and natural resources are affected;
  • And list continues……

“Only One Earth” is a slogan for World Environment Day 2022.  It is hosted by Sweden and focused on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”.

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Sarah Shahzad

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • […] Overall, this poem is a warning about the long-term environmental impact of activities that may provide short-term gains. It highlights the importance of considering the consequences of our actions on the environment and taking steps to mitigate any harmful effects.  Whereas this poem also celebrates the beauty and power of nature and reminds us of our connection to the natural world. It highlights the importance of living in harmony with the environment and recognizing the vital role that plants and other living things play in sustaining life on Earth. […]

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