Happy Teachers’ Day

Happy Teachers' Day poem

Poem: Happy Teachers’ Day

If there is no light, they shine our darkness,
If there is no hope, they give us faith,
If there is a woe, they give us blessings,
If there is a pain, they give us care,
Who provide us shine, faith, blessings and care,
Not any ordinary person but our teachers,
When we are helpless, they are there for dependence,
When we are weak, they are there to secure us,
When we are fragile, they are there to protect us,
When we are frail, they are there to make us healthy again,
Who provide us dependence, security, protection and health,
Not any ordinary person but our teachers,
Parents love, care, protect and guide us at home,
Teachers do same at school to make us feel home,
Teachers anywhere and everywhere should be respected,
As they give guidance to us more than expected,
Teachers will always guide us to the correct trail,
They will always try their best to not make us fail,
Thank you to all the teachers,
Its your day, Happy Teachers’ Day.

by Sarah Shahzad
Dated: 05-10-2019


My teachers are all respectable and I am dedicating this poem to all teachers.  They are just like parents who give us education, care, faith and blessings.  They are always there to help us when we need someone’s attention.

Happy teachers’ day is celebrated on 5th October every year.  This day is a reminder to all of us that there were the path that guide us to enlightenment.

This is another important day to remember after mother’s day and father’s day.


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Sarah Shahzad

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