Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth day

The flowers bloom,

But then we burn them up,

Each day,

We do something wrong,

Not knowing,

What is getting harmed,


I feel sad for all those gone,

Each day they tremble down to the earths’ soil,

The nature we see each day,

Is suffering from inside,

Not caring for what is outside,


The trees,

The only trees we see,

Are those protected from us,

Each day every forest is getting smaller,

Our trees,

We always forgotten about them,

All day and every day,


But what about the animals?

The poor suffering creatures,

Almost extinct,

They do not have any food, or any home,

As our needs fulfill,

Theirs are slowly drying,

They slowly die to extinction,


This is the day,

The day where we celebrate,

As to remember,

To keep our surrounding clean and safe,

Beneficial for flora and fauna,

Today is the Earth day.

Happy Earth day!

(By Sarah Shahzad, April 2020)

About the Poem, Earth Day:

Another year and another celebration of an important day.  This is time to remember what we have done for the earth in one whole year.  Are we just celebrating this day and forget about our earth for whole year.

Animals have suffered and same as to the natural resources.  Corona Virus or Covid-19 has provided some breathing space to nature as there is less pollution.  But it will be changed once industrial activity will start.  This is time to rethink about the earth and protection of our natural resources.

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Sarah Shahzad

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