Tea is Free

Tea is Free

Limerick Poem

Tea is free, going back to trees,

With no home of itself, living in the cheese,

Trees shake with spare hands,

With no bees, starting a band,

Tea is free, back in the trees.

Inspiration, Tea is Free:

This poem is dedicated to “Worlds Tea Day“. This day is celebrated on 15 December every year.  Its winter and tea is first thing come to mind to combat cold weather.  Thats why 15 December is chosen to be the day.

Tea grows on plants and it is amazing scene to watch tea plantation.  I had chance to see it in Cambodia and Vietnam.  I was wondering what if it grows on trees.  Trees are essential for our life as they provide oxygen, carbon dioxide, fruits, shade in sunlight and so on.  We should think of shaking hands with them, if possible.

Whenever I go near a beehive, there is a buzzing sound as a form of music.  So in any jungle, is it possible to have a band without buzzing bees.

Anyhow writing limerick is always fun. We imagine different funny situations as we move on writing it.

Do you know what is the easiest way of making tea? Just call mom and pledge her to make it for you.  What do you think?



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Sarah Shahzad

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