Rod a Pet German shepherd

Rod a Pet German shepherd,


Rod came rushing through the streets, as a puppy,

He was happy as he goes, wishing for more,

He always grew and with his happiness, he was always loved,

No one knows how he grew tall, very quickly,

He may get greedy, or develop quirky attitudes,

When he goes for a walk, he gets curious temperament,

Jumping, running and growling,

But is always loved from everyone,

Now the bad news has arrived,

He died, under mysterious circumstances,

And everyone was sad with worried time.

*Good bye Rod, have a nice journey*

Inspiration, Rod a Pet German Shepherd

Rod was the pet, German Shepherd, of my cousin Abdul Rahman who took very good care of this puppy since it was just few days old.  As he grew up and tamed, everyone loved him.  My cousin had a strong bond and best friendship with his pet. A few months back, he got sick and later died in veterinary clinic. It was a sad day for my cousins and everyone cried.  All we can say “good bye Rod, have a nice journey”.

My cousins are so disheartened by his death that now they don’t want to have another pet anytime soon although the life goes on.

Have you ever experienced any such incident with your pet? Your thoughts in comments please.


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Sarah Shahzad

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