
Hedgehog - Animal Poem

Cute Poems | Animal Poems

They live their lives round,

Without any sound,

They roll down to those found,

Even though they can fall,

Since they are such a ball,

They care for others without them to notice,

They protect others without some notice,

They will always sleep,

They will always creep,

They might look dangerous,

But they sure are adventurous,

They will snuggle up to you,

When they know that you also care for them too.

(Sarah Shahzad, January 2020)


This poem  is about the cute little and adorable creature called hedgehog.  They are fun to watch but taking a hedgehog as pet is bit demanding so I would better get a plushy.  They are kind of round shaped but still not like a moon. I believe they must be fun for any one who has enough time to take them in their care.

In some countries and areas, it is illegal to keep hedgehog as pet. https://www.exoticnutrition.com/hedgehog-legality.aspx


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Sarah Shahzad

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