Football or Soccer ball

Poem on football or soccer ball -


Kick it hard or slow,

But should go,

No one goal is so bold,

As we go they get harder,

Everyone aims at the ball,

As it lands on their palm,

Try so hard, a hard snatch from your feet goes your work,

As a flea, turns around a flock attacking,

Run around with the ball on the track,

Who shall win will be a hard and tough one,

I don’t want to play as a part,

As no one there gives a part,

Who will play a part in the game of football?

Football or Soccer ball, Inspiration:

This short poem is about an intense football or soccer ball match.  Unfortunately like basketball match, I had to watch it through the end but did not get a chance to play on the field.  We lost the match but my mind was boggling why our team is not playing a proper game.


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Sarah Shahzad

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