Author - Sarah Shahzad

Lunar & Solar Eclipse

Lunar & Solar Eclipse

Poem As we look above the sky we see the moon, As ordinary as any moon But when the special night comes, It’s different than the others, As the sun passes behind the moon, It becomes red as a sun, But when the special day comes, It’s different...

Town Boy and Town Rabbit -

Town Boy and Town Rabbit

Poem He comes stomping on the town, Knowing where to go and what to seek, He has a favor for the town rabbit, But, the town rabbit fear not, Chased away far but scared, Ran the town boy after the town rabbit. Town Boy and Town Rabbit...

Poem on football or soccer ball -

Football or Soccer ball

Poem Kick it hard or slow, But should go, No one goal is so bold, As we go they get harder, Everyone aims at the ball, As it lands on their palm, Try so hard, a hard snatch from your feet goes your work, As a flea, turns around a flock...

Starts and Galaxy - poemtheart

Galaxy and Stars

Poem A light can describe the world, But if we look at the sky, We just see stars, Because of the pollution, Alas we see no stars, But the places with less pollution, We can see, Stars, milky ways and open sky, Only if we took care of the...

Happy Birthday Daud

Happy Birthday Daud

Poem A boy with happy pleasure, Came running down from the school, On the grey car with great big eyes, Rush down and down to the little, House with a sandy peach castle, Everyone was waiting for the day, His birthday was today on the lucky...

Lucky Ishmam, A Fourth of July Girl,

Lucky Ishmam, A Fourth of July Girl

Poem Fireworks all around America, Celebration all over America, Come one, come all, have fun! Food, drinks and games under the sun, My lovely friend Ishmam, don’t run, It’s your birthday, have at least one bun, It’s very hot...

Short Poem- Technology


Poem Technology may help, or it may harm, But it depends on the usage, We may use it for building or destroying our mankind, So far, it has surpassed far beyond our dreams, It has helped us far more, Maybe it’s time to let it go. (By Sarah...

Summer has come,

Summer has come

Poem Bright and hot, The sun is angry Everyone has gone, Somewhere under the rainbow, Can’t find the magnificent rainbow that seeks, Under the sun, Try to find the way, There were so many flocks under the sun, That they don’t reveal...

Far and Wide -

Far and Wide

Poem I set far and wide, May be looking for furthest and widest, Seek behind, I see and hear, They step on the big and small, They don’t know the size, But they only know the far and wide. (By Sarah Shahzad) Inspiration A poem about...

Rod a Pet German shepherd,

Rod a Pet German shepherd

Poem Rod came rushing through the streets, as a puppy, He was happy as he goes, wishing for more, He always grew and with his happiness, he was always loved, No one knows how he grew tall, very quickly, He may get greedy, or develop quirky...