Day and Night Poem

Day and Night Poem

Day and Night Poem

The sun scorches the turf,

Beams of heat land upon the dirt,

Slowly fades leaving the warmth behind,

The fields continue to be unplanned,


The wicked moonlight creeps its way on the stage,

Leaving the sun on its way to the gate,

Gloomy forests drenched up,

Critters coming out to live it up,


The whispers alone clear these thoughts disowned,

The breeze freezes upon reaching midair,

It falls like shards of diamonds,

Leaving it dangerous and grand,


Daylight rises again like never before,

Upon like another new day so bright,

The sun scorches the ground’s core,

The cycle is repeated once more.

Day and Night Poem by Sarah Shahzad, November 2022








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Sarah Shahzad

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